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Thrive Bootcamp Burn - Week 7

Abby Graham
July 21, 2022

Nutrition 101: Forget Salads! Ways to Get Your Greens In

I think we can all agree that salads provide a light, fresh and “clean” way to get in all of those beautiful vegetables that nutrify, mineralize and supercharge our bodies. But sometimes they can feel plain, "stale." So how can we continue eating our veggies without our taste buds becoming bored to death? Read on for some helpful tips on how to spice up your "greens."


Cooking your greens and then blending them into a creamy sauce to stir into noodles, grains or serve with eggs and more is a smart, simple way of getting your greens in an easy-to-digest, delicious way. Not sure where to start? A quick Google search will provide you with ample recipe options to get your creative juices flowing.


Short on time, or searching for a really simple way to enjoy a salad in winter? Saute greens with a bit of healthy fat into grains to make yourself a warm, veggie-forward grain bowl. These are one of my personal faves. Below is a quick "go-to," to get your started!

Warm 1/2 tablespoon ghee or olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add 1 cup of cooked grains, such as rice or quinoa, a pinch of sea salt, a couple of cracks of pepper and 2 large handfuls baby spinach or baby kale. Stir to combine. Add 1/3 cup vegetable of chicken broth or water and saute until the greens wilt, the grains warm through and the liquid has evaporated completely, 2–3 minutes. Transfer the grains and greens to a bowl, top with your favorite protein - YUM!


This sheet pan method is a great way to make yourself a hearty cooked salad, without too much fuss. Add greens tossed in dressing to a warm oven, and they wilt into a lovely, nourishing meal. Extra note: roasting also makes the flavor profile of both the vegetables and whichever marinade / dressing you choose really POP!


Salads — cooked or raw — aren’t the only way to get in your greens. If you're feeling uninspired by your usual veggie game, switch it up! Try focusing on specific seasonal vegetables to give your body valuable nutrients while also amping up your variety. Winter vegetables like Brussel sprouts and Brassicas are super sources of vitamins and minerals. both of which are easy to cook, easy to digest and provide powerful fuel for our bodies.

Mindset Motivation: Mindset Masterclass

Rather than continuing to add more exercises to your plate I wanted to give you guys some additional time to make progress / complete the Energy Awareness and Setting Boundary assignments that I published in the previous weeks. If you have not sent me your completed work I would highly encourage each of you to make the time to walk through each piece. Remember, a healthy lifestyle is holistic and uses mind, body and spirit to work synergistically.

For those that feel they did not have the opportunity to focus on the Mindset work as much as they would have liked...keep your eyes peeled for the Mindset Masterclass that I will be presenting in the coming months. This is a valuable opportunity to take a deeper dive into areas like managing stress, improving self confidence and getting "unstuck," when it comes to your goals. I am sooooo excited to have the opportunity to share these lessons with everyone and empower you to up-level your individual health & wellness.

The More You Know: Recovery Part 2 + Yoga

I want to build off a previous post I included on the importance of recovery. Recovery is often talked about after the fact and usually in regretful ways (lol). What I mean by that is typically when members talk to me about recovery it's because they don't make the time for it and they start to question whether consistent, proper recovery would leave them feeling better day after day.

Let's be honest....stretching, rolling out and physical therapy movements just aren't as "sexy" or exciting as throwing a barbell or dumbbells around and usually, when class has finished people feel pressure to get the next "to do," item checked off their list. But make no mistake about it, recovery work pays HUGE dividends for those willing to take the extra time (15-20 min) each day. This week I am including an insightful article that explains the benefits of implementing a regular yoga practice. I hope you will take the time to read and digest the information! There are a ton of great yoga studios in the area not to mention a gazillion online yoga programs (both free and paid) available in any given moment. Click here to read and ENJOY!

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